Research Progress
SPOP Protein plays the key role in the Kidney Tumorigenesis
SPOP Protein plays the key role in the Kidney Tumorigenesis(2014-04-02)
Robust gene dys-regulation in Alzheimer’s brains
Robust gene dys-regulation in Alzheimer’s brains(2014-04-01)
New discovery reveals that Ago2 facilitates Rad51 recruitment and DNA double-strand break repair
New discovery reveals that Ago2 facilitates Rad51 recruitment and D...(2014-03-28)
A unified view of bacterial land colonization
A unified view of bacterial land colonization(2014-02-17)
Scientists Reveal A Mechanism of Efficient and Accurate Translesion Synthesis Past a BPDE-dG lesion
Scientists Reveal A Mechanism of Efficient and Accurate Translesion...(2014-01-26)
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