Research Progress
Scientists Reveal Vitamin C is A Potential Small Molecule for Kidney Cancer’s Treatment
Scientists Reveal Vitamin C is A Potential Small Molecule for Kidne...(2018-07-30)
China Focus: Chinese scientists find key factor activating genome expression in human embryos
China Focus: Chinese scientists find key factor activating genome e...(2018-03-09)
Scientists Unravel the Mysteries of Human Embryogenesis and Evolution
Scientists Unravel the Mysteries of Human Embryogenesis and Evolution(2018-03-09)
A New Study Reveals Polη O-GlcNAcylation Governs Genome Integrity During Translesion DNA Synthesis
A New Study Reveals Polη O-GlcNAcylation Governs Genome Integrity ...(2017-12-14)
MethBank 3.0: A Database of DNA Methylomes Across A Variety of Species in BIG Data Center
MethBank 3.0: A Database of DNA Methylomes Across A Variety of Spec...(2017-12-04)
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