CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences & Information

XU Chenhuan

Group Leader  

Dr. XU Chenhuan, Principal Investigator at Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), CAS. He obtained his Ph.D. degree of Developmental Biology from Chinese Academy of Sciences and did postdoctoral training at Emory University from 2013 to 2019. He has published several papers in prestigious journals including Science and Nature Protocols. His current research is focusing on epigenetic regulation across cell divisions. 


1.We are devoted to demystify how various layers of epigenetic information, such as DNA modification, histone modification, chromatin accessibility, and higher-order chromatin structure, are stably inherited during the cell cycle. 

2.We are driven by the appealing motivation to develop novel experimental and computational approaches to observe and quantitatively measure different epigenetic information with unprecedented resolution. 

Selected publication  

1. Resolution of the DNA methylation state of single CpG dyads using in silico strand annealing and WGBS data. Xu C, Corces VG. Nat Protoc. 2019 Jan;14(1):202-216. 

2. Nascent DNA methylome mapping reveals inheritance of hemimethylation at CTCF/cohesin sites. Xu C, Corces VG. Science. 2018 Mar 9;359(6380):1166-1170. 

3. Genome-Wide Mapping of Protein-DNA Interactions on Nascent Chromatin.Xu C, Corces VG. Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1766:231-238. 

4. Towards a predictive model of chromatin 3D organization.Xu C, Corces VG. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016 Sep;57:24-30. 

5. Genome-wide roles of Foxa2 in directing liver specification.Xu C, Lu X, Chen EZ, He Z, Uyunbilig B, Li G, Ma Y, Hui L, Xie B, Gao Y, Ding X, Hu Y, Hu P, Han JD, Wang X. J Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Dec;4(6):420-2. 

Group Members  


Ms. ZHAI Weibo

Research assistant 

Graduate Students  

GE Leixin, 2019 

FANG Junjie, 2020 

HU Siling, 2020 

BAI Juan, 2019 

ZHENG Xiangyi, 2019 

LIN Lin, 2019 

XIONG Xiong, 2019 

LIU Xiaokun, 2020 

WEI Hanhan, 2020 

LIU Yangying, 2020