Prof. YU Jun meets Dr. Marek Michalewicz from A*STAR

April 1st, Professor YU Jun met Dr. Marek Michalewicz at Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Marek Michalewicz is a Senior Director of Computational Resource Centre (ACRC) at Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), which is the main government funded research agency in Singapore.

Prof. YU welcomed Dr. Michalewicz for his visit to BIG. Talks between Prof. YU and Dr. Michalewicz touched on the top-edge issues on life sciences and medical sciences, such as development of genomics, evolution, bioinformational data analysis, and etc. They both agreed that, with the fast developing sequencing technologies, how to handle growing biological data became urgent in modern world. Data analysis equipment also needed to be upgraded to meet the needs of large data storage, transfer, search, analysis, and other data handling procedures. Bottlenecks in bioinformatics field were deeply discussed, and possible solutions to solve these problems were brought up. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Michalewicz invited Prof. Yu to visit ACRC in Singapore in future. 


(Image by GU Lan)