Seminar: Study of Molecular Basis of Hereditary Deafness: Challenges and Perspectives

Title: Study of molecular basis of hereditary deafness: challenges and perspectives

Speaker: Dr. Olga L. Posukh

     Laboratory of Recombination and Segregation Analysis, Institute of Cytology and Genetics,

     Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.

Host: Alexander Tchourbanov

Time: 10:00am-11:00am, Aug. 28, 2012

Location: Conference room 202, Beijing Institute of Genomics,CAS

Olga's research interest: Study of molecular basis of hereditary deafness in Siberian populations. Study of genetic structure and genetic demography of indigenous Siberian populations. Setting up of appropriate database for evolutionary and genetic analysis. Investigation of the diversity of blood groups, serum proteins, isozymes, genetic markers of Y chromosome in small ethnic Siberian groups.