Research Progress
A Link Found Between Variable CTCF Occupancy and DNA Methylation
A Link Found Between Variable CTCF Occupancy and DNA Methylation(2012-12-14)
Systematic Connecting Common Disease-associated Variation with Regulatory DNA
Systematic Connecting Common Disease-associated Variation with Regu...(2012-12-13)
Bioinformatics clouds for big data manipulation
Bioinformatics clouds for big data manipulation(2012-12-05)
Mammalian RNA Demethylase ALKBH5 Impacts RNA Metabolism and Mouse Fertility
Mammalian RNA Demethylase ALKBH5 Impacts RNA Metabolism and Mouse F...(2012-11-28)
A Pendulum Model to Explain Relationship Between Mutation and Selection
A Pendulum Model to Explain Relationship Between Mutation and Selec...(2012-10-11)
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